Ways to get started online
How to Use Google Posts for your Business

Google has recently opened up some space for posts on Google Maps.
How to find free business help

There are many sources of general help for your business. The purpose of this ‘101’ article is to introduce you to what I call the ‘no pressure / no obligation’ sources and initiatives. These are the best places to start and there’s an amazing amount of topical and practical information buried away in these websites...
A planning checklist for your new website
I’ve mentioned a few times in my blog that one of the key mistakes that online startups make is to completely underestimate the amount of work required to plan and create their new website.
A useful way to manage that situation is to create a planning checklist for everything that is required.
Writing your planning checklist is also a good time to think about and define the basics of your online business, what is your website is intended to achieve, who is your target market etc
Top 10 web design tips
It might seem odd for a web design and development company to be writing a blog with tips on how to design a website. The reality though is that while we can develop concepts and recommend best practice implementation, while we have many years of experience in building effective websites, and in some cases have extensive experience in developing sites for a particular industry, for all that we still don’t know your business and your target market as well as you. So while a web developer can provide sound technical and commercial advice, ultimately we take our direction from our customers.
The purpose of this blog is not to provide tips on the technical aspects of creating and coding a site, but to give you as a business owner or manager an understanding of some elements that make an effective web page and to help you in your discussions with your website developer.
SaaS Content Management Systems (CMS) vs Open Source Software
A question we often get asked by potential clients is what is the difference between open source systems such as Magento, Wordpress etc., and proprietry SaaS CMS systems. At SiteSuite we've been developing our own SaaS online business suite for over 13 years, as well as having some experience in the use of Magento in particular. Over the course of a few blogs we'll share our knowledge and experience
Every blog has to start somewhere
When we started the process of developing our new website, our first step was to look at the old site and to review all of the content, whether it was relevant and how much use was made of it...
- Product News (10)
- Ecommerce (19)
- Web Design (11)
- Digital Marketing (39)
- Website Content (24)
- Blogging (9)
- SEO (20)
- Getting Started (6)
- Social Media (10)
- The Guest Blog (10)
- Observations (2)
- Videos (5)
- Security (3)
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