Every blog has to start somewhere
When is a blog not a blog? Well, that's exactly where you are right now!
But wait, before you disappear, this WILL be a blog and it might just be worth visiting on a regular basis.
When we started the process of developing our new website, our first step was to look at the old site and to review all of the content, whether it was relevant and how much use was made of it. Turns out that it was chock full of material developed and posted online over several years. There was a heap of great information about maximising website performance for SEO and to provide the best experience for your customers but the site traffic statistics showed that it was probably just way too hard to wade through it all.
So what to do? I guess you know the answer, yep, let's keep it "up to date" and relevant, let's write a blog.
But this won't just be a regurgitation of old content. We will use the talents of various members of our team to write about graphic design, copy writing, technology in business, sales in the online environment, business commentary, trends and anything else that interests us on the day.
You'll be able to comment on every blog post, and if you have any suggestions for topics or feedback, or just about our shiny new website, then feel free to write a quick comment.
Oh, and one last thing for today, the picture at the top of my posts isn't me on a bad hair day, that's Billy, our office Westie. His role is office security, a job he takes seriously... he's even been known to wake up occasionally when a customer arrives.

Co-founder and Managing Director of SiteSuite Australasia, Australian pioneers in web design and ecommerce since 1997. For more from Chris you can follow him on Google+ or Twitter, and for further professional musings and thoughts on his other passions in life, www.chrissutton.com
- Product News (10)
- Ecommerce (19)
- Web Design (11)
- Digital Marketing (39)
- Website Content (24)
- Blogging (9)
- SEO (20)
- Getting Started (6)
- Social Media (10)
- The Guest Blog (10)
- Observations (2)
- Videos (5)
- Security (3)
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