Security notices
Opt in Security Upgrade

Most of us would like to see hackers behind bars. Sadly while there are state sponsored bad actors in play the situation is likely to become worse not better, as evidenced by recent attacks in Australia.
Why Websites Now Need SSL for SEO

For obvious reasons, one of the major global trends at the moment is tightening online security.
SSL Certificates And HTTPS: How They Help Secure Your Website And Maintain Its Google Rankings

Whether it’s a static page or a full-blown e-commerce site, a website is pretty much a prerequisite for most businesses these days. It’s an invaluable resource that lets you communicate with existing and would-be customers, which is why having a website that takes UX into consideration is so important.
But have you ever stopped to consider the security of your website? If you haven’t, you should. Companies with insecure websites risk losing business and being demoted in Google's search engine rankings.
Today, we’ll go through one of the most common ways websites can be secured: by using HTTPS.
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