SiteSuite - Website Design Sydney

Email Server Change

by SiteSuite | May 12, 2016


We've decided to progressively move our services over to locally based Amazon Web Services (AWS) over the coming three months.

To ensure minimal impact and allow through testing this will be a staged move. The main reasons for moving are;

  • AWS uptime has continued to improve and is at least as good as ours
  • They have a built in firewall structure that reduces the number of servers we need to carry, and hence lowers the risk of hardware failure impacting on service delivery
  • As it is a virtual environment, server capacity can easily be expanded, rather than us needing to do this physically ourselves at the data centre, allowing faster turnaround for capacity changes
  • Plus with the increased ease of scaling it also becomes much simpler to provide dedicated servers to larger clients
  • AWS also allows us more comprehensive options when it comes to back up and multi-location redundancy

This is the largest change we have made to our services in the last 16 years, and the decision hasn't been taken lightly. We will be moving email first, and will keep you advised of the other migrations as they are scheduled.

The scheduled email cutover is due to start at 9pm on Saturday night 14th May, to be safe we have allowed a service window until 6am Sunday morning, but expect to complete the move well before then.

We have been testing the changeover with SiteSuite email for the last two weeks and expect the move to go smoothly with no noticeable change to any of our client services. You do not need to do anything.

If you have issues following the move please email, or you can call the main office number on 02 8904 7500 and talk to Scott.

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