SiteSuite - Website Design Sydney

Ecommerce UX website designers, custom web developers and SEO specialists

Our Sydney team designs, develops and builds websites in our custom CMS, Wordpress, and Shopify. Plus we can deliver productivity boosts through custom web development and offer in-house online marketing services (SEO) to provide a complete one stop service to our clients. Our experienced online coaching team has been in this space for over 20 years.

  • Cannings Corporate Communications - A nice clean modern UX focused Wordpress brochure website that’s designed to showcase this Sydney business.
  • Chain Reaction Foundation Ltd. - A modern UX design for a charity supporting disadvantaged young Australians.
  • ChannelNews - Australia's #1 news source for the consumer electronics industry.
  • Cottage Point Inn - A modern UX design for a boutique restaurant and accommodation by the water
  • Easy Drinks - This drinks delivery company is currently expanding throughout NSW, and we developed 2 mobile apps as well as an ecommerce website with a custom web design.
  • Martin Benn - A SiteSuite CMS build, that works well to showcase the individual skills of the ex Sepia chef now based in Victoria.
  • Mobile Experts - Custom WordPress build for repair quotes online and bookings as well as ecommerce functionality.
  • Smith & Singer - This is the previous well know Sothebys Australia who have been a client of ours for 9 years, and has a custom catalogue created by our web developers and also ecommerce website functionality.
  • Women Want Adventure - WWA is a successful start up company, with a custom website design and development that incorporates a custom booking engine.

Melbourne ITWebCentralDomainzYahoo7Sensis

E-Commerce Web Design & Development that drives growth

We design, develop and build in SiteSuite CMS, Wordpress and Shopify

20 years of web experience

Over 20 years of
web experience

and decades of commercial experience means we understand your business needs, we understand that you need to work to a budget and deadline, and we know how to get results online..

Thousands of businesses use our CMS

Multi Platform

We design, build and develop using:
SiteSuite CMS

One stop shop for your online projects

The "one stop shop"
for your online project

Web design, Logos
Mobile design
Web development
Web Apps, CRM
Online marketing, SEO
Newsletter campaign tools
Hosting & email

Creative Web Design

Creative, effective web
design you can trust

Our talented and experienced web designers and developers have decades of experience and are experts in their fields. We share that experience on every project we undertake to make the process easy for you.

Our clients tell us we streamline their business, increase productivity, and generate more profit.

Web Development Gap

After 20 plus years of working in this space we have distilled our client interaction down into a simple and very effective three step process.

1. First we work with you to define your challenges. Often this includes some online competitive analysis and benchmarking.

2. We then use our expertise to work out what opportunities exist, and the estimated staging and timeline to best bridge the gap to your desired results.

3. Together we deliver great outcomes with a strong ROI and UX (user experience) focus.

The ROI can be compelling, we had a recent ecommerce client that had a 50% increase in sales quarter on quarter after we completed a new UX focussed redesign for them. This easily paid for the upgrade many times over.

Fair warning, we often suggest outcomes our clients haven't considered.

From the CEO, Grant Goodger



What our clients say about us

Russell Crowe "The Art of Divorce" Auction

Thank you for your support throughout our Russell Crowe "The Art of Divorce" auction.

The sale could not have succeeded without the support of our suppliers, so thank you for standing by us and helping us through it. Your attention in maintaining our website's activity including security, and delivering work-arounds in live time was greatly appreciated.

With worldwide bidding the sale realised over $3.7 million including buyer's premium on the night, with post-sale interest forecast to achieve in excess of $4 million.

John Keats
Senior Executive Officer
Sotheby's Australia

Testimonial Quote The website that we have created with SiteSuite has been immensely successful in many ways. Most importantly in portraying the mood and experience of Sepia!

Martin Benn

Martin Benn
Chef @sepiarestaurant

Testimonial Quote We feel that the staff at SiteSuite are an extended part of the Pink Frosting team. The lack of down-time, access to help 24-7 and excellent service don't hurt either!

Kathryn Porritt

Kathryn Porritt
Director @pinkfrostingOZ

Testimonial Quote It has been an absolute delight to work with each and every person we have come in contact with at SiteSuite and we are so delighted with our end product. The time, energy and effort put into our project has been exceptional.


Amy Greetham
Marketing Manager @intimo


E-Commerce Website Designs that drive business growth

A full custom E-Commerce website design for International Karting Distributors, a Sydney based company

We love building ecommerce websites, whether it's exploding part pages and complex discount tables in B2B sites, or custom website design in high end retail sites. Ecommerce use has been steadily growing for many years. While around 14% of retail sales are online in Australia and the US, it's over 30% in the UK and over 50% in China. That means huge potential for online store growth in Australia and the trend isn't stopping anytime soon!

So where do you begin, firstly there are two main types of software platform to consider, those that run on in-house or proprietary software such as the SiteSuite CMS or those that run in an open source environment such as Wordpress. The advantage of open source software like Woocommerce is that plug ins give you greater out of the box functionality, however this can slow a site down requiring speed boosts (such as CDN caching software) and keeping security up to date is also critical, so there can be more ongoing maintenance work.

Proprietary offerings as a general rule tend to be inherently more secure (their core software is in a black box) and they tend to run faster as they operate from a single code base with less plug in's. In our case we also believe the back end useability of the SiteSuite CMS software is a major plus, it's designed from the ground up to be a cohesive suite of tools that are intuitive and easy to use. Plus we build great UX into all the process flows including shopping cart and checkout.

At SiteSuite we offer the choice and benefits of both platform styles for your ecommerce website, we develop scalable websites with custom ecommerce design and configuration in the SiteSuite CMS, and we also offer project builds in WooCommerce to take advantage of the open source benefits. With  20+ years experience in this space, our team can help you determine which approach is going to be the best cost/value fit for you.



Web developers and designers with a commercial focus

Easy Drinks Mobile Apps and Custom Ecommerce Website Design

Having 20 + years experience in ecommerce and web application development, SiteSuite is Australia's longest running Cloud SaaS proprietary platform provider. We don't just build websites, we build platforms that websites operate on. Just as importantly our web development team understand how businesses work, we get it.

Our full stack developers can assess your challenges, turn them into opportunities and develop modern, efficient high quality Perl and PHP web applications to deliver you successful results. A great recent example of this is Sydney based Easy Drinks, we provided a whole of business website development solution to take their bricks and mortar operation online, including;

  • A new ecommerce custom website design running the SiteSuite CMS
  • A native mobile app for driver delivery rostering, focusing on local sub 30 minute delivery times, a core competitive advantage.
  • A separate client facing mobile app with full online store functionality.



Web Hosting, Management and Support

We developed a custom Wordpress website design in Woocommerce for Mobile Experts, an Australia wide network of mobile phone repairers, they also use our support retainer.

Not all hosting services are equal, having your website hosted on our Sydney servers offers you the most secure & quickest route for your visitors to buy, communicate and trade with your online business. As our SEO guy often says a website is similar to a garden, it needs regular maintenance to keep performing at its best. Having a strong and secure managed hosting solution is the best possible way to ensure your new website is running smoothly and kicking goals for you.

To complement our managed web hosting we also offer DIY, Cpanel, and retainer based online support. Personal support and long term customer relationships are important to us, we don't believe in building a new website and then just walking away, we have website design and ecommerce clients who've worked with us for 20 years. We also have overflow for larger clients with trusted partners, such as Sydney based Sam Shetty for SEO at E-web Marketing.



Logo design, graphic design, UX design it's in our DNA

A custom redesign of the iconic Sepia Restaurant

Great logo design can become the cornerstone of a successful business, you need look no further than Apple or Nike. Over the years we've had some interesting design projects including being one of only two global agencies to work with Chanel outside of France. One of the more interesting debates we had in the custom design area was in regard to the iconic Sepia Restaurant (now sadly closed) and whether to have the sign swinging on the home page or not. We prefer the swinging version, what do you think?

Good business logo design is a good place to start when you want to launch your company with a professional presence. Our services extend into graphic design and we do offer a full brand pack. Of course great UX (user experience) design and flow is paramount when you focus on mobile first web design or any custom website design.


Free Website Health Check – this is a great comprehensive audit of your current website delivered in a pdf report format. If you need any help interpreting the results please ask.




Our Sydney based team approaches every project with a performance focus. We work with you to analyse your business needs, project requirements and its wider impact. We assess potential commercial and functional opportunities, and likely issues, we then select the software platform we consider will give you the best cost/value return on investment.

We use our UX (User Experience) skills to determine efficient intuitive pathways for your users as part of the design process. We will develop and build your project using the latest methodology available to get you up and running as quickly as possible. Whether we are building a website, mobile app, or custom project, we are passionate about delivering results that work well for you and your clients.

We will assist you to ensure your website or app is fully marketed to unlock its potential. Ongoing personal support and training is simply a natural extension of this service. If you would like to join the thousands of clients we have helped over the years, please give us a call.

Trusted by Experts - Over the last 20 years why have so many major technology companies chosen SiteSuite, we build easy to use and intuitive interfaces. Add in excellent security in a cloud environment, automatic backups, regular upgrades to stay current with changing web standards, and a scalable platform that will meet your needs as your business grows.

PS. We also fix broken websites. Call us for a quick professional assessment or second opinion.


We love 10,000+

More than 10,000 clients worldwide have relied on SiteSuite to grow and nurture their online presence.

2.5 million

Together we reached a milestone. 2.5 million orders from our ecommerce community. Way to go!

Design, build & market, we are your one-stop ecommerce website design shop in Sydney.



SiteSuite can design and build a website or ecommerce site to match your budget Design & Build to Your Budget  
Start-up, or large corporation, our website design will match any budget

SiteSuite provides comprehensive support for all our website design clients Friendly Multi-Level Support  
Live Australian help desk plus our comprehensive online ‘wiki’

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SiteSuite offers after-sales support to all our website design clients After-Sales Assistance  
One of the pioneers of eCommerce, we happily share our knowledge

Professional website design with fast, safe and secure hosting Fast, Safe & Secure Hosting  
Our clients experience higher than industry standard uptime

Learn More

Financial Review    City of Sydney    SiteSuite a finalist in Sydney Business Awards    SiteSuite featured in Sydney Morning Herald    The Telegraph



Effective Web Design through Creativity & Technology

With over 20 years experience designing, developing and supporting both template and custom designed websites, including mobile apps for a diverse range of clients, our creative and web development teams are skilled in delivering websites with smart design and intuitive usability. Best practice technology is a natural part of that mix, and our team works hard to stay abreast of the latest online trends.

Creativity - it's in our DNA

All our design professionals have been on the team for at least ten years. From start to finish, we ensure we understand your business requirements, your branding, your customer demographic, your online target market, your process flows, your pain points and any industry specific needs.

Combined with a focus on intuitive navigation pathways for outstanding usability, effective call to action points, engagement options and site conversion, your new website will provide a memorable user experience (UX) for your customers.

Technology that works

Our web development team works together to deliver a robust website that simply works.

We have developed our own fully featured content management and ecommerce system over the last 19 years, as well as having in-depth skills implementing sites on content management systems such as Wordpress, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Magento, etc.

Our goal is to build a flexible, well-targeted website that performs for you. We deliver websites that not only perform well but that are the right fit for your business or organisation.

Mobile First

Mobile traffic has now surpassed traffic from desktop devices, and the concept of mobile first design is firmly entrenched as a methodology for professional web developers and designers.

Our experienced local web design team has vast experience in responsive web design, custom web development, and mobile app development. We'll help you decide the best strategy for mobile users.

Key Messages and your USP

Good web design is about performance, not just about making a site look pretty. The primary goal of any website is to communicate with your customers and we can help you showcase your story with a strategic layout and well placed key messaging that will generate interest, and make users want to engage with you.

Confidence in our Service

People come and go, and providers come and go, but we're always here to help. Just ask our clients who have been with us for over 15 years.

Remember we're here to help you create success online.